It’s the time of year you’ve been waiting for – the sun is out, and you can enjoy long lazy evenings laid out on the beach or in the backyard. Summer invites the opportunity to enjoy BBQ’s with friends, attend firework displays, go for long walks, camp, and generally live life in a more relaxed manner. As always, safety is paramount and you need to ensure that you, your friends, and your family stay safe during the hottest months of the year. Keeping safe incorporates maintaining your fitness levels and eating healthily too, just as much as it means never leaving food out in the open and doing your best to avoid getting bitten and stung by insects.

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Fire Regulations
As aforementioned, BBQ’s and firework displays are a popular way to celebrate summer and enjoy a well-earned break off from work. Both of which encourage socialization, and chatting with friends, however they pose a risk too. The danger with these is fire and explosion, which can cause very serious consequences and injuries if not handled correctly and in a professional way. If you’re worried about attending either, then the simplest way to avoid danger is simply not to go. However, if you do attend, make sure to familiarize yourself with directions to the nearest hospital, take your mobile phone, and keep your kids close to you and away from the fire at all times. In the unfortunate event of you being injured, be sure to receive medical assistance and seek advice from a burn injury attorney in order to help you cover the costs of resultant medical bills.
Don’t Leave Food Out
Flies are well and truly about during the summer, and they can carry very serious bacteria if it is allowed to enter your body. Plainly and simply, do not leave food out on surfaces if it is not covered up using a barrier. Flies can crawl over your food and leave deposits, such as excrement and eggs. If you ingest these, you can become very ill and suffer from both sickness and diarrhea. Never leave food out when it’s hot, and preferably place food inside the fridge.
Don’t Drink Drive
It’s very easy to let one drink with friends turn into two or three; especially if the sun is shining and you’re feeling care-free. However, drunk driving is enormously dangerous and your risk of getting involved in an accident increases exponentially. If you are planning to go out, then appoint a designated driver who can drive you home safely at the end of the night.
Sun Safety
The best advice is to stay out of the sun this summer, however this isn’t always possible. In order to be as safe as possible, you should liberally apply sun cream to exposed areas, always drink at least two liters of water throughout the day, and avoid excessive exposure – especially during the hottest hours of the day (12pm – 3pm). If you’re at the beach, then be sure to use waterproof sun cream, as otherwise it’ll wash of in the sea and you’ll be unknowingly unprotected.
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