The Role of Sleep in Weight Management: Surprising Connections

You can feel the effects when operating on a less-than-adequate night’s sleep. From a general feeling of grogginess to an inability to focus, getting a good night of restful sleep is essential for feeling your best and reaching your goals. You may not realize that your sleep schedule can influence your weight, but establishing a healthy sleep routine may be what you need to shed those pesky extra pounds. Keep reading to find out more. 

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Adults should aim for at least 7 hours of sleep nightly. It is important to remember that quality is as critical as quantity when it comes to sleep, and those hours spent in bed should be restful sleep as well. If you sleep for 7 hours or more and still wake up tired, you may get non-restorative sleep. 

Benefits of Sleep for Overall Health

Some benefits of getting enough sleep include: 

  • A stronger immune system
  • Lower risk for heart disease and diabetes
  • Better stress management
  • Better focus
  • Less likelihood of an accidental injury

How Does Sleep Influence Weight?

There are numerous ways that sleep can influence your weight. First, being tired can cause you to make less healthy lifestyle decisions. You may feel too exhausted to exercise or cook dinner, so you find yourself ordering takeout. Not getting enough restful sleep can quickly throw your routine and habits off-kilter, ultimately making weight loss challenging. 

Also, insufficient sleep can influence chemical responses in the brain. The hormones ghrelin and leptin are affected when you sleep. When you don’t sleep enough, these hormones can become uneven. Ghrelin and leptin also influence hunger levels, meaning that when you don’t sleep enough, you are more likely to overeat because these hormones are off-balance. 

Those looking to live a healthy lifestyle must recognize how important a solid night of sleep is to their daily routine. Sleep can affect many aspects of your health; start taking positive steps today to help encourage a healthy night of sleep. 

Tips for Getting Into A Good Sleep Routine

If you’re not sleeping well, you’re probably wondering what you can do to help ensure you start sleeping well. Find below some tips for getting into a good sleep routine. 

  • Make sure your sleep environment is dark and free from noise. 
  • Start “winding down” early in the night to give your body time to relax. 
  • Get into bed around the same time each night.
  • Cut down on things that can interfere with sleep quality, like caffeine and alcohol.

If you’re having ongoing sleep issues, it may be related to an underlying medical condition like sleep apnea or a mental health issue. Talk with your doctor about your sleep challenges to see if they can help guide you. 

Other Tips for Weight Loss 

Sleeping well is a great place to start for weight loss. Once your sleep schedule is on track, you can instill some additional steps to help you shed extra pounds.

  • Exercise regularly, doing a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training. 
  • Eat a healthy and well-rounded diet rich in fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean meats.
  • If you work at a desk job, take steps to move regularly, such as taking walking breaks and stretching daily.
  • Consider your medical weight loss options. Many people have found positive results using self-injectable weight loss medications. These in-home treatments are delivered to your home as a convenient and efficient method to help people lose weight. Speak with your doctor to determine whether medical weight loss in New Jersey is appropriate for you. 
  • Embrace healthy eating. Remember the power of positive thinking. Find joy in cooking healthy meals and look for recipes that you find delicious.
  • Find a support group for weight loss. You can find a local support group or consult a friend for moral support. Having someone to exercise with can help you find exercise fun and stick to your routine. 

Last Words

These gradual lifestyle adjustments and positive habits that you stick to every day often have the most significant impact on your overall health. Set realistic expectations and keep in mind that changes won’t happen overnight. Have patience and pay attention to how you feel. You’ll likely feel the effects of healthy habits before you see physical results. 

Jasper is a professional business and startup blogger that writes for a variety of leading sites. He loves content partnerships with advertisement agencies.